Theology at Aquinas College
Certificate in Theological Studies
Aquinas College offers a Certificate in Theological Studies, originally designed for lay people engaged in ministry: parish catechetical leaders, pastoral associates, youth ministry leaders, parish musicians, Catholic school administrators or teachers.
The Certificate is ideal for Catholics seeking a deeper understanding of their faith, including traditional age students hoping to work in Catholic schools or parish catechesis upon graduation from Aquinas College.
The Certificate in Theological Studies consists of six courses (4 credits each; 24 credits total), which have been chosen to meet diocesan theological standards. Please note that this is not a web or online program; courses meet on the Aquinas College campus.
Completion of the following six required courses meet the theological credit requirements for Master Catechist certification by the Diocese of Grand Rapids.
Required Courses:
THEO 105 Sacraments
An introduction to Sacramental Theology and Liturgy that explores the biblical, historical
and liturgical aspects of the Church’s Sacraments.
THEO 200 Bible as Story
A theological and literary introduction to the biblical story, from creation to apocalypse.
Follows the great themes of the Bible, such as paradise, peoplehood, and the presence
of God. Also explores the interpretation of individual narratives, including an in-depth
analysis of at least one of the Gospels, and the function of metaphor, image and symbol.
THEO 100 The Catholic Vision
An introductory course in the Roman Catholic tradition, its worldview, beliefs, sacraments
and moral life.
THEO 215 Jesus
Explores the New Testament portraits of Jesus, including how the first Christian theologians
re-interpreted Jewish scripture. Students will compare episodes in the four Gospels
and become aware of images of Christ in narrative, epistle and poetry. Also introduces
the "historical Jesus" debate and the cultural setting of the Jesus movement.
THEO 220 Catholic Moral Theology
An introduction to Christian morality that considers the person's capacity for achieving
excellence in pursuit of the good under the auspices of grace. Themes covered include:
Jesus Christ and the moral life, the sources of morality, the person as image of God,
grace, sin, freedom, law, vice, infused and acquired virtue.
THEO 310 Ecclesiology
An introduction to ecclesiology, the study of the church. Features extensive biblical
foundations and historical developments, culminating in the documents of Vatican II.
Theology Minor
Minor Requirements: The Theology Department offers a minor in Theology. A minor is
designed to provide an organized format of courses beneficial to students in supplementing
their major with courses from the Theology Department. A minor requires a minimum
of twenty (20) semester hours, the specific courses determined in consultation with
the department.
Additional Information
For information on Theology courses contact Dr. Stephan Davis, Chair of the Theology Department, at
For specific information about the 50% tuition fee waiver for local diocesan Continuing Education program participants, contact Aquinas' Student Accounts Office at (616) 632-2864.